Top 5 tips for compelling presentation design

What makes a good presentation great?

There are so many factors to consider from strong design to clear storytelling but let’s start with these top 5 tips for creating simple, compelling presentations that will help you get the outcome you need:

1. Consider your audience - knowing your audience and key decision-maker will allow you to strategically tailor your message, content format and delivery.

2. Start with storyboarding - it’s important to get a visual structure of your presentation so you can create a strong, consistent and compelling story.

3. The importance of white space - it actually doesn’t have to be white. It’s the areas of your slides left unused. Remember, if every element in your slide calls for your audience’s attention, nothing gets heard.

4. Use slide titles for key takeaways - slide titles as an assertion can communicate the message you want the audience to takeaway or act upon. Make them crisp, easy to read and consistently located.

5. Present your data in simple charts - choose simple charts that only include relevant data, easily interpreted. Try and use one chart per slide and animations can help guide your audience through the story as you present it.


Psychology and presentation design.